Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Second reply from the then President of the Malaysian Bar Council

--- On Mon, 7/23/07, Ambiga Sreenevasan wrote:
From: Ambiga Sreenevasan ambiga@sreenevasan.com
Subject: RE: Urgent EnquiryTo:
Date: Monday, July 23, 2007, 9:28 AM

Dear Puan ,

Thank you for your e-mail

Point taken. Of course we do not condone any kind of manipulation of marks if indeed that is what has occurred.

I will forward your e-mail to the Qualifying Board on which I sit as a member and who is the body that determines issues as to qualifications.

Thank you,


-----Original Message-----From:
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 6:48 PMTo: Ambiga SreenevasanSubject: RE: Urgent Enquiry

Dear Madam

Is the Bar Council concerned with the manipulation of marks as well a predetermined number of passes? These undergraduates will ultimately be admitted by the Malaysian Bar as Advocates & Solicitors. Is the Bar Council concerned with low quality low graduates?

With regard to my grievances towards my Employer, that's not the reason why I wrote to you as the President of the Bar Council. I am concerned with marks manipulation, predetermined number of passes and low quality graduates.

I hope I can receive the Bar Council's stance on the above matter and the matters I raised in my earlier email. Thank you.
Dear Puan,

Thank you for your e-mail.

From what you say, it would appear that you have a grievance about the manner in which you have been treated by your employers and the manner in which the exam results were dealt with.

However what I believe you require is legal advice on the issues that you have raised. The Bar Council does not give such advice as it would require examination of the facts and the documents and research on the law as to your remedies if any. You will in all likelihood have to take this matter up through the proper channels at your University.

I am truly sorry that we cannot assist you further. I would strongly advise you to seek legal advice as soon as possible.



-----Original Message-----From:
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 2:06 PMTo: ambiga@sreenevasan.comCc: shali@malaysianbar.org.my; kenneth.goh@malaysianbar.org.mySubject: Urgent Enquiry

Private & Confidential
Good Day Madam President of the Bar Council

1. I am , a lecturer of Law School Multimedia University .
2. Last Semester (March-May 2007) I taught Legal Language II (BLM 1024).
3. I also met Dr Chong, a LAN officer in a meeting last semester. Dr Chong expressed her concern over the local graduates' poor command of the English language.
4.I took seriously Dr Chong's concern and emphasized to my students that they have to improve their command of the English language.
5. Madam, I found that the students answered poorly in the mid semester and final examinations. Their answers do not reflect maturity and cogency. Their poor command of English is evident and glaring.
6. When I released the mid-semester marks, the students were angry as 90% failed.
7. They complained to the President of MMU and alleged that I am an incompetent lecturer and raised their high failure rate as their grievance.
8. After the students complained to the President, the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law, Dr Goh Pek Chen, started to micromanage me. She followed and attended my classes and tutorials on the ground that the students were afraid of me.
9. She forced me to preserve/reinstate an assignment given out by the former lecturer. I took out the assignment as I found out the students' focus did not conform with the course notes prepared by the previous lecturer.
10. Dr Goh saw the mid term marks [with 90% failure rate] and commented that the marks were too low. Her remark and harassment/micromanagment forced me to adjust the mid-term marks.
11. I did not prepare the final exam questions. The questions were kept by the faculty's assistant manager. Dr Goh forced me to go to the assistant manager's room to look at the exam questions and to help the students by giving them tips on the questions coming out in the final exam. She forced me to ensure that the students can answer well.
12. She forced me to give exam tips to the students and also forced me to show to the students "How I mark an exam question".
13. Dr Goh forced me to provide the details in the answer scheme which the previous lecturer did not provide within the span of 3 hours only.
14. Dr Goh forced me to mark the answer scripts in detail regardless of my protest that a law essay answer is a subjective answer and it is impossible to provide minute details of the marks awarded for every point accepted. She refused to accept my explanation and forced me to mark the exam papers in detail.
15. Upon marking the exam scripts, I discovered that only 22 students out of 142 passed Legal Language II (BLM1024). the average marks is 42.28 and the standard deviation is 7.61.
16. Upon perusing the marks, Dr Goh said that the Senate would not approve my marks. She also said that she had to adjust the marks. I told her that I do not want to be involved in her act [adjusting the marks] as the students' answer were of low quality. I have given them tips on how to answer the exam and I have guided them more than what I should do because Dr Goh forced me.
17. Dr Goh adjusted the marks.
18. Dr Goh made her adjustment of marks in order to gain the Senate's approval and to achieve the following:
The average marks is: 60-70%,
Failure rate: maximum is 20%,
Standard deviation: From 8-15.
19. Dr Goh forced me to key in the new marks she "cooked up/invented". She also forced me to endorse the "Exam Results Report for Verification Generated by Exam Unit".
20. After 2 sleepless nights, I informed Dr Goh that I retract the endorsement as I signed it against my will out of fear of losing my job.
21. After my retraction, Dr Goh suspended me from teaching Company Law 1 and Legal Language II this semester.
22. There is a shortage of lecturers at the Law School . Nobody is teaching "Contract II" and "Cyber Law". Instead of asking me to teach those subjects, Dr Goh asked those lecturers who reached their maximum teaching hours, to apply to teach those subjects as part-timers.
23. Madam, Does the Bar Council approve Dr Goh's action, manipulating the marks in order to achieve a pre-determined range of marks/failure/average?
24. Madam, Does the Bar Council approve a compulsory rule presribing:
a. the maximum number of students who fail {20%].
b. the average marks to be from 60% to 70%.

Madam, please reply my email as I believe I am wronged, my academic integrity being condemned, my career at stake.

Madam please reply via email .My HP no is :
Thank You Madam.

Yours Sincerely