every suffering I experienced is not meaningless
For I shall be recompensed!!!!!
Dauntless is my middle name
Fearless is my nickname
Allah has HIS hand on everything
As He allows all the suffering & pain to happen
Actually My Role Model Is Saidina Hussain AlaihisSalam
I did an Istikharah & I refused to follow the result of the Istikharah
But somebody sent by Allah Subhana Wa Taala advised me
Before Saidina Hussain AlaihisSalam went to Karbala he did an Istikharah & the result of the Istikharah was that he must go to Karbala regardless of the fact that he would be slain
Therefore I followed my Istikharah for the sake of Allah Subhana wa Taala
Sufferred I did
But eventually AllahSubhana wa Taala saved me from that HELL because I went to that HELL in the very first place for Allah's sake.
Rasulullah said Those who did Istikharah will never be disappointed (Ma Khaba man Istikhara)
At the end of the day
I shall look at all my pain & suffering
as my relief & succour in the eternal life/world
This world is just a journey to the eternal world
Bal tu'thirunal hayataddunya wal akhiratu khairu wa abqa
(Hopefully) Allah will look at me in good light as i sought His Pleasure rather than the pleasure of men!!!!!
Hasbunallah wa Ni'mal Wakil ni'mal Maula wa Ni'manNasir.
Wallahu Khairul Makirin.
I have seen many Muslims who are so heartless & munafiq,
I am not surprised at all,
I'll be really surprised if I come across pious & honest Muslims.
They are almost extinct actually..........
Walmukmimuna wal mukminat ba'dhuhum aulia u ba'd.