----- Forwarded Message ----From:
To: radinumx@mohe.gov.my
Sent: Tuesday, December 2, 2008 7:25:39 AM
Subject: Fw: Appointment to see Dato
Assalamualaikum Dato
I was informed by Dato that Prof Rujhan
will investigate my grievance,
however until today
I have not been contacted by Prof Rujhan.
I have tendered my resignation at USIM as I
continue to be victimised, Dato I really need your
assistance as I regret my resignation and I want
to get my justice,
Yang benar
--- On Thu, 11/27/08, wrote:
Subject: Appointment to see Dato
To: radinumx@mohe.gov.my
Date: Thursday, November 27, 2008, 8:11 AM
Asskm Dato
I would like to see Dato with regard to my position in USIM. I would really appreciate if Dato could meet me,
Thank you