Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My email to Prof Radin after being chased out by TNCA USIM

From: my real name
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 2:56:28 PM
Subject: Being shouted at & asked to quit
Fw: Re: Dihukum tidak efficient kerana enggan manipulasi markah

Assalamualaikum Dato I went to see Prof Dato Dr Muhammad Muda,TNC (Academic) today at 12.30 pm. He shouted at me and said the
following to me:

1. You are a failure.Your effort goes down the drain because your students fail .
The government can spend a lot of money training but it's no use if the students
2. You are not suitable for our university. You are at the wrong place.
Our university rates our students based on their development.
(Before he made his remark, I explained to him that I grade the exam papers
based on the merit and cogency of the answer based on the marking scheme).
3. You should leave our university. (I asked him to issue a letter that he
wants me to quit teaching as I am not suitable for the university)
4. Can your students understand your teaching as a majority of them failed?
5. What do you think of our students?You look down at our students!

Dato, I am not going to the upper management of USIM for justice, as the
TNC(Academic) himself had asked me to leave the university.

Dato, I am asking for your help to assist me as I did not do anything wrong.
I marked the papers based on merit and cogency. I am truly victimised here
and the insults and demand to quit by Dr Muhammad Muda today is truly an
affront to me and the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Please Dato, I ask for justice.

Yours sincerely

--- On Wed, 6/11/08, Professor Dato' Dr Ir Radin Umar
From: Professor Dato' Dr Ir Radin Umar
Subject: Re: Dihukum tidak efficient kerana enggan manipulasi markah
Cc: "mrujhan"
Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008, 7:42 AM

Prof Rujhan akan menangani nya dengan berhemah.
Professor Dato' Radin Umar
Director General
Department of Higher Education
Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia
Level 3, Block E9, Parcel E
62505 Putrajaya MALAYSIA
> Dato'
> Sy mohon bantuan Dato' kerana sy baru 6 bulan bekerja
di sini dan sy memang tidak diperlakukan dengan adil meskipun saya
berkata benar.
> Terima kasih atas nasihat Dato'.
> Professor Dato' Dr Ir Radin Umar
> lakukan yang betul demi kebenaran. Saya yakin Pengurusan
USIM akan
> menanganinya secara adil
> ________________________________
> Professor Dato' Radin Umar
> Director General
> Department of Higher Education
> Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia
> Level 3, Block E9, Parcel E
> 62505 Putrajaya MALAYSIA
>> Terima kasih Dato, saya masih dalam ketakutan.Diharap
dapat menolong saya.
>> Professor Dato' Dr Ir Radin Umar wrote:
>> Assalamualaikum,
>> Terima aksih. saya akan minta Prof Rujhan siasat dan
membetulkan jika terdapat penyelewengan.
>> Salam.
>> ________________________________
>> Professor Dato' Radin Umar
>> Director General
>> Department of Higher Education
>> Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia
>> Level 3, Block E9, Parcel E
>> 62505 Putrajaya MALAYSIA
>>> >>>
>>>> Askm Dato'
>>> Saya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Pensyarah Di USIM. Saya
>>> telah dipaksa memanipulasi markah pelajar dan meluluskan
pelajar kerana hanya dua pelajar lulus. Saya tidak mengubah markah kerana
saya telah memberi markah dengan adil mengikut skema jawapan dan telah
membuat kelas tambahan sebanyak 6-8jam sebelum peperiksaan untuk
memperkasa pengetahuan pelajar.
>>> Saya telah menerima surat daripada Dekan Fakulti Syariah
& Undang2 menyatakan fakulti kecewa kerana saya enggan
bekerjasama "memanipulasi markah" (my understanding, the exact wordings were "melihat/menyemak semula secara menyeluruh kaedah dan sistem penilaian yang dilakukan".)
>>> Dekan juga menuduh saya tidak efficient dalam
pengajaran saya.
>>> Dato', saya mohon bantuan pihak Dato' kerana
saya dihukum kerana enggan memanipulasi markah pelajar
agar ramai lulus kerana ianya tidak beretika. No telefon saya ialah xxxxxxxxxx
>>> Terima kasih.